Russell Richardson
Featured Actor Headshot Photography
When you get to shoot experienced actors like Russell Richardson it really does make you realise acting is a craft and actors at Russell’s level are indeed, craftsman (and craftswoman of course). Its been an absolute joy to look back through the pictures of Russell and see the facial and emotional control on each picture and how each picture tells a different story, unscripted. For instance, while shooting our, ‘Get Ahead actor headshot photography package,’ with Russell, we decided one of the four looks should be an aristocrat/lord of the manner to show Russell’s suitability to be cast in period drama. Within a few clicks of the shutter Russell had lifted the eyebrow in the way only landed gentry and judiciary can, added to this a little knowing twinkle in the eye and he had the character nailed. As he did with all the characters we shot on the day. Just check out the rest of the shots. I love the American Anchorman/News Reader shot too. Well done Russell..amazing job.